User List sorted by date joined / updated

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Date joinedSorted descending Last updated FirstName LastName Organization Country
2022-04-26 - 13:43 2022-04-26 - 13:43 Rudrapriya Das    
2022-02-16 - 08:07 2022-02-16 - 08:07 ritu Aggarwal    
2021-11-19 - 10:55 2021-11-19 - 10:55 Petr Chaloupka    
2021-03-01 - 12:12 2021-03-01 - 12:12 Provash Mali    
2021-01-27 - 15:34 2021-01-27 - 15:34 Philipp Fleck    
2021-01-22 - 12:52 2021-01-22 - 12:52 Pavish Subramani    
2020-08-24 - 10:04 2020-08-24 - 10:04 Sasha Prozorov    
2020-07-19 - 17:48 2020-07-19 - 17:48 Philipp Munkes    
2020-06-18 - 11:05 2020-06-18 - 11:05 Ruben Weber    
2020-05-25 - 13:12 2020-05-25 - 13:12 Patrick Dahm    
2020-04-08 - 10:21 2020-04-08 - 10:21 Qiunan Z    
2020-03-18 - 10:18 2020-03-18 - 10:18 Rajesh Ganai    
2020-01-08 - 10:54 2020-01-08 - 10:54 Piotr Gasik    
2019-08-13 - 09:41 2019-08-13 - 09:41 saraswati pandey    
2018-06-25 - 08:22 2018-06-25 - 08:22 Ranbir Singh    
2018-06-14 - 11:39 2018-06-14 - 11:39 Ralf Kapell    
2018-03-01 - 11:22 2018-03-01 - 11:22 Patrick Pfistner    
2018-01-08 - 13:31 2018-06-01 - 10:29 Osnan Maragoto Rodriguez    
2015-10-05 - 14:21 2015-10-05 - 14:23 Philipp Kähler WWU Muenster Germany
2015-03-18 - 16:52 2015-03-18 - 16:52 Philipp Weidenkaff    
2014-05-14 - 09:53 2014-05-14 - 09:53 Rishat Sultanov    
2014-01-31 - 15:53 2014-01-31 - 15:53 Philipp Klaus   Germany
2013-10-29 - 09:09 2013-10-29 - 09:50 Sanguk Won Pusan National University Korea
2012-03-09 - 08:48 2012-03-09 - 08:48 Saikat Biswas GSI Germany
2011-12-28 - 10:45 2019-02-20 - 12:08 Pavel Kisel   Russia
2011-12-19 - 13:49 2012-02-15 - 10:41 Philipp Sitzmann   Germany
2011-12-01 - 15:55 2014-03-14 - 17:05 Pradeep Ghosh GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH Germany
2011-05-31 - 13:54 2011-05-31 - 13:54 Peter Kravtsov PNPI Russia
2011-02-07 - 13:41 2019-09-05 - 10:39 Pascal Raisig   Germany
2010-10-22 - 10:30 2010-10-22 - 10:30 Sascha Reinecke   Germany
2010-02-19 - 11:43 2010-02-19 - 11:43 Roland Berendes   Germany
2009-10-23 - 12:16 2009-10-23 - 12:16 Patrick Reichelt Institut für Kernphysik Frankfurt Germany
2009-07-28 - 11:00 2009-07-28 - 11:00 Roland Kotte FZD Rossendorf Germany
2009-01-28 - 10:24 2021-04-12 - 14:54 Pierre-Alain LOIZEAU GSI / Physikalisches Institut Uni. Heidelberg France
2008-12-05 - 11:08 2008-12-05 - 11:08 Reinhard Männer University of Heidelberg Germany
2008-12-02 - 08:25 2008-12-02 - 08:25 Rainer Renfordt IKF Frankfurt Germany
2008-05-12 - 23:24 2008-05-12 - 23:24 Rama singaraju VECC India
2008-04-02 - 10:38 2008-04-02 - 10:38 Peter Malzacher   Germany
2008-03-27 - 09:21 2008-03-27 - 09:21 Ralf Averbeck   Germany
2007-11-21 - 14:32 2007-11-21 - 14:32 Pavel Tlusty   Czech Republic
2007-10-27 - 20:33 2007-10-27 - 20:33 Rafal Lalik AGH Cracow, GSI Darmstadt Poland
2007-08-30 - 08:33 2007-08-30 - 08:33 Robert Szczygiel AGH UST Poland
2007-06-05 - 11:17 2014-11-05 - 09:21 Peter Zumbruch GSI Germany
2007-03-22 - 09:31 2020-06-25 - 06:50 Partha Pratim Bhaduri Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre India
2007-03-09 - 10:53 2007-03-09 - 10:53 Peter Fischer Mannheim University Germany
2007-01-25 - 11:54 2007-01-25 - 11:54 Pawel Staszel Jagiellonian University Poland
2006-12-11 - 09:28 2006-12-11 - 09:28 Radoslaw Karabowicz GSI Germany
2006-07-07 - 13:33 2015-02-10 - 09:48 Piotr Koczon GSI Darmstadt Germany
2005-12-22 - 17:32 2005-12-22 - 17:32 Samir Amar-Youcef   Germany
2005-09-19 - 13:43 2005-10-06 - 13:27 Peter Senger gsi Germany
Number of topics: 50
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