Main.RadoslawKarabowicz 11 Dec 2006 * zdjatko: swiena ta strona... ale moze bedzie lepiej a nawet gorzej : ) :cool: : ( : p ...
= ! PDFSTART inserted here to avoid a blank page for the Foswiki TOC= GenPDFAddOnDemo (L1 Heading) This is a sample document to show what can be achieved ...
.RedirectPlugin Test Topic: destination This is the destination of the RedirectPlugin test topic. You should end up here coming from RedirectPluginTest The follo...
Main.JorgenRandrup 12 Dec 2005 This is my very first attempt to post something about phase trajectories. It reamins to be seen whether it will work and how. We...
Physics of strongly coupled quark gluon plasma E. Shuryak Quark gluon plasma as a quasi particle medium B. Kämpfer Hadronic Resonances important degrees...
Phases of QCD: thermodynamics, symmetry and universality arguments M. Stephanov Chiral symmetry at finite temperature and density S. Leupold Equation o...
Equilibration of QCD medium in heavy ion collisions: kinetic approach C. Greiner and Zhe Xu Hydrodynamic Models E. Shuryak Equation of state in Nuclear...
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