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r44 - 2024-04-23 - 10:32 by !FlorianUhlig
Edit this topic to add a description to the JuniorsGroup
%META:PREFERENCE{name="GROUP" title="GROUP" type="Set" value="AdrianRodriguezRodriguez, OsnanMaragotoRodriguez, DongdongHu, EkataNandy, ElenaLebedeva, FlorianSec
%META:PREFERENCE{name="GROUP" title="GROUP" type="Set" value="AdrianRodriguezRodriguez, OsnanMaragotoRodriguez, DongdongHu, EkataNandy, ElenaLebedeva, FlorianSec
%META:PREFERENCE{name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Set" value="GroupView"}%
r42 - 2024-04-16 - 14:53 by !PavishSubramani
Main.SusanneGlaessel SusanneGlaessel
NEW - 2024-04-16 - 12:06 by !RegistrationAgent
Main.SimonReiter SimonReiter
NEW - 2024-04-10 - 12:45 by !RegistrationAgent
%META:FIELD{name="FirstName" attributes="" title="FirstName" value="Franz"}%
%META:FIELD{name="FirstName" title="FirstName" value="Franz"}%
%META:FIELD{name="LastName" attributes="" title="LastName" value="Matejcek"}%
%META:FIELD{name="LastName" title="LastName" value="Matejcek"}%
%META:FIELD{name="OrganisationName" attributes="" title="OrganisationName" value=""}%
r2 - 2024-04-04 - 16:53 by !FranzMatejcek
Main.DaironRodriguezGarces DaironRodriguezGarces
NEW - 2024-03-27 - 09:56 by !RegistrationAgent

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