CBM Public Web

In this web you find more detailed information about the CBM experiment and its detector subsystems. Please follow the links below.

CBM documents

CBM detector

General physics overviews

Colleagues in the US started preparing a nice overview on QGP physics for graduate students:

Overview article on QGP with focus on the ALICE experiment in Nature:

  • P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Stachel, Nature 448 (2007) 302.

Special FAIR issue of Nuclear Physics News with an overview on the facility and each of the experiments (CBM from page 19 on):

CBM Progress Reports

CBM Informationen in deutsch

Einfuehrungen und Grundlagen der verschiedenen Detektorsysteme in Deutsch finden Sie hier:

Web Layout

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Topic revision: r49 - 2024-03-26, WalterFJMueller
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