Follow the instruction on this
webpage with some
minor changes
After downloading the project you should edit some additional files.
If you want to have a different administrator password you have to change to following files.
In both files you have to exchange with your email address and administrator by the new
password. This does not work. To increase safety a little bit rename the email address in both files.
You can update your profile that means the name and the password later on.
You should also change the owner of the files in /var/www/html/CDash to apache:apache
chown -R apache:apache CDash
If you did something wrong with mysql database eneter the database and delete the cdash database
mysql -u root -p
in mysql
mysql> show databases;
will show you all existing database with
mysql> drop database if exists cdash;
you delete the already existing database for CDash
Changes needed to setup CDash 1.6.4 with trac
To use our repository setup together with trac 0.10.3 one has to change cdash/common.php.
This has to be done more flexible because now cbmroot is hardcoded. So we have to get the
project from somewhere.
Maybe this is not needed with the newest version of trac.
function get_trac_diff_url($projecturl, $directory, $file, $revision)
$filename = $file;
if($directory != "")
$filename = $directory."/".$file;
if($revision != '')
$diff_url = $projecturl."/changeset/".$revision."/".$filename;
else // no revision
// $diff_url = $projecturl."/browser/cbmroot/trunk/".$filename;
$diff_url = $projecturl."/browser/".$filename;
return make_cdash_url($diff_url);
function get_trac_revision_url($projecturl, $revision)
// $revision_url = $projecturl."/changeset/".$revision;
$revision_url = $projecturl."/changeset/".$revision."/cbmroot";
return make_cdash_url($revision_url);
-- FlorianUhlig - 18 Apr 2008