HowTo use the CBM CVS
A good Wikipage about CVS is
Use for all operations only mycvs which is defined in the profile and shown below. This alias includes all the necessary information to connct to the server. All CVS commands can by used as normal.
alias mycvs='cvs -d'
- CVS login: mycvs login
- Add a new file to cvs you have to do the following
- Checkout of the file: mycvs checkout [filename]
- Add the file: mycvs -m 'Comment' add [filename]
- Commit the file: mycvs -m 'Comment' commit [filename]
- Commit a file to CVS
- Checkout of the file: mycvs checkout [filename]
- Commit the file: mycvs -m 'Comment' commit [filename]
To ignore unwanted files during the update of your working directory add the filename to the .cvsignore file in your homedirectory. This file excepts also wilcards like *.eps.
FlorianUhlig - 27 Sep 2007