Howto setup a trac instance at a differnt machine than the subversion repository.

This is not directly foreseen (at least for trac 0.11.x), so we have to work around this problem. The trick here is to create a local copy of the main repository which is syncronized as described in . My idea is to use the post commit hook on the main subversion repository to trigger the synchronization of the cloned repository. This should keep both repositories synchronized all the time. Starting svnsync manually on the machine with the cloned svn repository works as expected. The post-commit hook is now already implemented and it looks ok for me. *The first sync of the repository takes some hours. Meanwhile we have approx. 10000 revisions in the repository.*

The installation of the cloned svn repository and trac are done both on lxir039.

Trac was installed using the normal Debian package installation mechanism. I installed the following packages
sudo apt-get -t sid install trac trac-git
sudo apt-get -t sid install trac-spamfilter trac-bzr trac-mercurial trac-accountmanager trac-email2trac trac-xmlrpc trac-wysiwyg trac-mastertickets trac-customfieldadmin trac-bitten trac-authopenid trac-wikirename trac-wikiprint trac-ja-resource
sudo apt-get install sqlite
sudo apt-get -t sid install sqlite3

After the installation on has to copy the trac installation of fairroot from lxwww01 to the new directory on the new machine.

scp -r uhlig@lxwww01:/srv/subversion/trac/fairroot/* .

Since the location of the subversion repository has changed this information has to be changed also in the configuration file trac.ini.

repository_dir =  /var/subversion/fairroot

has to be changed to

repository_dir = /data.local1/subversion/fairroot

Probably also the location of the pasword file has to be changed.

After this is done one has to upgrade first the sqlite database to the new sqlite version and the upgrade trac itself.

mv trac.db trac2.db
sqlite trac2.db .dump | sqlite3 trac.db
trac-admin /data.local1/trac/fairroot upgrade
trac-admin . wiki upgrade
trac-admin . resync

For the test I don't want to install and administrate a full blown webserver. So the internal trac webserver is started

tracd --port 8000 /path/to/myproject

First tests looks good for me. The wiki now show substructures in the index page. The access to the subversion repository works as expected. The old tickets are there and also the links looked okay.

-- FlorianUhlig - 24 Sep 2010
Topic revision: r3 - 2010-09-27, FlorianUhlig
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