CBM progress report 2018
Deadlines for contribution submission
- 2019/02/21 Deadline for submission of contributions
- 2019/03/08 Chapter editors provide final versions together with chapter summaries to the main editors
- 2019/03/22 Final version submitted to GSI printshop
- 2019/04/01 Printed version available at the 33rd CBM Collaboration meeting at GSI
Ilya Selyuzhenkov (
Volker Friese (
Chapter editors
Template for individual contributions
LaTeX template:
Chapter editors
- subversion repository: https://subversion.gsi.de/cbm/PR2018
- after checkout (svn co https://subversion.gsi.de/cbm/PR2018), execute "make" from the top-level directory (PR2018). The report will be built. The result is cbm_pr2018.pdf in the top-level directory.
- go into source/chapter directory (where chapter=sts,mvs,rich,...)
- make a directory for each individual contribution called "chapter_author" (where "author" is the last name of the main author)
- the latex source file of each individual contribution should be named as the parent directory plus the extension .tex and placed under the individual directory
- all figures of each contribution have to be placed inside the individual directory
- list all the contributions in each chapter/Makefile eg:
# ----- List of reports ------------------------------------------
reports = sts_summary
reports += sts_author
reports += sts_.......
(order them appropriately)
- in case of multiple contributions by the same author use index "2", "3"
If you do not specify the list of contributions in the Makefile, all contributions (subdirectories) will be added in alphabetic order.
- make a chapter summary: "chapter_summary/chapter_summary.tex" and put it as first contribution
Main editors
- Printing:
- Send an email well in advance to Druckerei@gsi.de to check the printing conditions
- Needs to print about 200 copies of the ~200 pages document
- Copies have to be ready by Monday of the CBM Collaboration Meeting
- A test printout: about a week before
- Preparing the progress report:
- make the git repository
- copy from previous year: Makefile, scripts and source directory
- build the progress report with "make"
- remove individual contributions
- replace everywhere the previous year with the current year:
- mv cbm_prPREVIOUSYEAR.tex cbm_prCURRENTYEAR.tex
- Inside the main Makefile change PREVIOUSYEAR to CURRENTYEAR
- Design the cover page
- Impressum for CBM report (DOI, ISBN, license)