Public CBM Presentations 2019

See also CBM related

Presentations at conferences and workshops

19th Zimányi School - Winter Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics

2 - 6 December 2019, Budapest, Hungary
Conference page

  • Alberica Toia, Frankfurt University
    Cosmic matter in the laboratory - The CBM experiment at FAIR


CHEF 2019 - Calorimetry for High Energy Frontier 2019

25 - 29 November 2019, Fukuoka, Japan
Conference page

  • Sergey Morozov, INR, Moscow
    Methods of signal processing and cosmic muon calibration for the BM@N and CBM sampling lead/scintillator hadron calorimeters


Workshop on the QCD Phase Structure at High Baryon Density Region

12 - 14 November 2019, CCNU, Wuhan, China
Conference page

  • Peter Senger, GSI
    Cosmic matter in the laboratory - Experiments at FAIR and NICA


CHEP-2019 - 24th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics

4 - 8 November 2019, Adelaide, Australia
Conference page

  • Jan de Cuveland, FIAS, Frankfurt
    Results from the CBM mini-FLES Online Computing Cluster Demonstrator

  • Ivan Kisel, FIAS, Frankfurt
    Missing mass method for reconstruction of short-lived particles

  • Evgeny Lavrik, FAIR, Darmstadt
    TGenBase - general purpose database engine for HEP

  • Alexander Adler, FIAS, Frankfurt
    ANAN: ANalyse And Navigate Debugging Compute Clusters


QM-2019 - Quark Matter 2019

3 - 9 November 2019, Wuhan, China
Conference page

  • Viktor Klochkov, Frankfurt University
    The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) Experiment at FAIR

  • Subhasis Samanta, NISER, Bhubaneswar
    Feasibility studies of conserved charge fluctuations in Au–Au collisions with CBM

  • Adrian Rodriguez Rodriguez, Frankfurt University
    Challenges and prospects for the Silicon Tracking System of CBM in the first tests with heavy ions collisions

  • Osnan Maragoto Rodriguez, GSI, Darmstadt
    Characterization and operation of the front-end electronics of the CBM Silicon Tracking System

  • Patrick Pfistner, KIT, Karlsruhe
    Development and characterization of high-density interconnection technologies for the CBM Silicon Tracking System at FAIR

  • Nikolay Karpushkin, INR, Moscow
    Energy calibration and signal waveform analysis of the CBM Projectile Spectator Detector

  • Anton Lymanets, GSI, Darmstadt
    Hypernuclei Production in CBM at FAIR - A Feasibility Study

  • Jan-Hendrik Otto, Giessen University
    Low mass dielectron studies with the HADES and CBM experiments at GSI/FAIR

    poster to come
  • Shaifali Mehta, Tuebingen University
    Module and ladder assembly techniques for the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Oleg Golosov, MEPHI, Moscow
    Physics performance studies for anisotropic flow measurements with the CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Ievgenii Kres, Wuppertal University
    Reconstruction of neutral mesons in heavy ion collisions using the conversion method with HADES and CBM

  • Etienne Bechtel, Frankfurt University
    Simulations of thermal dielectrons for the CBM experiment

  • Ingo-Martin Deppner, Heidelberg University
    Status and Performance of the CBM-TOF systems


IEEE-NSS-2019 - IEEE - Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference

27 October - 3 November 2019, Manchester, UK
Conference page

  • Krzysztof Kasiński, AGH, Krakow
    SMX2.1, a 128 Channel, Event-Driven Tracking Chip for Silicon and Gaseous Detectors

  • Adrian R. Rodriguez, GSI, Darmstadt
    The Silicon Tracking System of CBM: towards first tests with heavy ion collisions


IPRD19 - 15th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors

14 - 17 October 2019, Siena, Italy
Conference page; Indoco page

  • Ajit Kumar, VECC, Kolkate
    Commissioning and testing of real-size triple GEM prototypes for CBM-MUCH in the mCBM experiment at SIS18 facility of GSI


XXIII International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications

22 - 28 September 2019 , Varna, Bulgaria
Conference series page

  • Mariana Petris, IFIN-HH, Bucharest
    Towards the construction of the inner zone for the CBM-TOF wall


MPCS-2019 - Modern Physics of Compact Stars and Relativistic Gravity 2019

17 - 21 September 2019 , Yerevan, Armenia
Conference page

  • Peter Senger, GSI
    Cosmic matter in the laboratory - The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR


DIRC2019: Workshop on fast Cherenkov detectors

11 - 13 September 2019 , Castle Rauischholzhausen, Germany
Conference page

  • Jörg Förtsch, Giessen University
    Fast Readout and Performance of the upgraded HADES RICH in Heavy Ion collisions


6th International FAIR School

7 - 14 September 2019 , Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy
Conference page

  • Christian Sturm, GSI, Darmstadt
    CBM Lecture - Exploring the QCD Phase Diagram


TWEPP-2019 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

2 - 6 September 2019 , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Conference page

  • Piotr Koczon, GSI, Darmstadt
    The powering concept of the CBM Silicon Tracking System

  • Yue Zhao, IPHC, Strasbourg
    Triple-Modular Redundancy Deployment Optimization in the Sensor Readout System of the CBM Micro Vertex Detector

  • Patrick Pfistner, KIT, Karslruhe
    Automated assembly of large double-sided microstrip detectors of the CBM Silicon Tracking System at FAIR

  • Xin Gao, GSI, Darmstadt
    Throttling Studies for the CBM Self-triggered Readout


ICNFP 2019 - 8th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics

21 - 29 August 2019 , Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Conference page; embedded workshop page

  • Peter Senger, GSI, Darmstadt
    Astrophysics in the laboratory - The research program of the CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Peter Senger, GSI, Darmstadt
    Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Anna Senger, GSI, Darmstadt
    Simultaneous muon and hadron identification in the CBM Experiment at FAIR


EPS-HEP2019 - European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics

10 - 17 July, Ghent, Belgium
Conference page; Indico page

  • Mariana Petris, IFIN-HH, Bucharest
    High time resolution, two-dimensional position sensitive MSMGRPC for high energy physics experiments


MMCP-2019 - Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics

1 - 5 July, Stara Lesna, Slovakia
Conference page

  • Volker Friese, GSI, Darmstadt
    Event Reconstruction in the Tracking System of the CBM Experiment

  • Olga Derenovskaya, JINR, Dubna
    Heavy Fragments Identification Using Energy Loss Method in the STS Detector of the CBM Experiment


FTDM-2019 - Forum on Tracking Detector Mechanics 2019

17 - 20 June 2019, Cornell University
Workshop page

  • Johann Heuser, GSI, Darmstadt
    System Integration Issues with the Silicon Tracker of the CBM Experiment at FAIR

  • Kshitij Agarwal, Tuebingen University
    Towards the Development of Cooling Demonstrator of the CBM Silicon Tracking System (STS)


SQM 2019 - Strangeness in Quark Matter

10 - 15 June 2019, Bari, Italy
Conference page

  • Iouri Vassiliev, GSI, Darmstadt
    Perspectives on strangeness physics with the CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Ilya Selyuzhenkov, GSI, Darmstadt
    Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Etienne Bechtel, Frankfurt University
    Dielectron simulations for the CBM-TRD


WPCF 2019 - XIV Workshop on particle correlations and femtoscopy

3 - 7 June 2019, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Conference page

  • Oleg Golosov, MEPhI, Moscow
    Physics performance studies for anisotropic flow measurements with the CBM experiment at FAIR


Young Scientists' GSI-FAIR Poster Colloquium

28 May, GSI, Darmstadt
Registration page

  • Kshitij Agarwal, Tuebungen University
    Thermal Demonstrator for CBM-STS

  • Phillip Kaehler, Muenster University
    The Transition Radiation Detector in the CBM Experiment

  • Viktor Klochkov, Frankfurt University
    Performance studies for collective flow measurements with CBM at FAIR

  • Grigory Kozlow, FIAS
    Speedup approaches in a TPC Cellular Automaton track finder

  • Osnan Maragoto Rodriguez, GSI, Darmstadt
    Test of the front-end electronics of the CBM Silicon Tracking System

  • Ievgeniia Momot, Frankfurt University
    Radiation hardness studies of the silicon microstrip sensors of the CBM experiment

  • Iaroslav Panasenko, Tuebingen University
    Sensor quality assurance for the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment

  • Patrick Pfister, KIT, Karlsruhe
    High-density interconnection technologies for th eCBM Silicon Tracking System

  • Adrian Rodriguez Rodriguez
    The Silicon Tracking System of CBM getting ready for experiment

  • Shaifali Mehta, Tuebingen University
    Ladder Assembly for the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment at FAIR


Wilga 2019 - XLV-th IEEE-SPIE Joint Symposium on Photonics, Web Engineering, Electronics for Astronomy and High Energy Physics Experiments

26 May - 2 June 2019, Wilga, Poland
Conference page

  • Wojciech Zabołotny, Warsaw Technical University
    Application of Forth CPU for control and debugging of FPGA-implemented systems

  • Wojciech Zabołotny, Warsaw Technical University
    Automatic management of local bus address space in complex FPGA-implemented hierarchical systems


FAIRNESS-2019 - 6 th International Workshop for young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR

20 - 24 May 2019, Arenzano, Italy
Conference page

  • Nikolay Karpushkin, INR, Moscow
    Study of the PSD CBM response on hadron beams

  • Elena Volkava, Tuebingen University
    Application of the Hydrodynamic Event Generator THESEUS to CBM

  • Etienne Bechtel, Frankfurt University
    Dielectron simulations for the CBM-TRD at different energies

  • Evgeny Lavrik, FAIR, Darmstadt
    FairDB - universal database for FAIR experiments


12 - 18 May 2019, Odessa, Ukraine
Conference page

  • Anton Lymanets, GSI, Darmstadt
    Silicon Tracking System of the CBM Experiment at FAIR


AYSS-2019 - The XXIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists

15 - 19 April 2019, JINR, Dubna
Conference page

  • Nikolay Karpushkin, INR, Moscow
    Application of the Prony least squares method for fitting signal waveforms measured by sampling ADC



HFM-2019 - 3rd Heavy Flavour Meet 2019

18 - 20 March 2019, IIT-I, Indore, India
Conference page

  • Partha Pratim Bhaduri, VECC, Kolkata
    J/Psi physics with CBM

  • Michael Deveaux, Frankfurt University
    Open charm and vertex detector technology


DPG Spring Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section

18 - 22 March 2019, Munich, Germany
Conference page

  • Patrick Pfistner, KIT, Karlruhe
    High-density interconnection technologies for the CBM Silicon Tracking System

  • José Antonio Lucio Martínez, Frankfurt University
    A new Fault Tolerant Local Monitoring Control Board with SEU mitigation and execution redundancy commercial micro-controller

  • Shaifali Mehta, Tübingen University
    Ladder assembly procedure for the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM Experiment

  • Christian Sturm, GSI, Darmstadt
    Status of the mCBM@SIS18 experiment at GSI/FAIR

  • Philipp Weidenkaff, Heidelberg University
    Status of MRPC calibrations for the endcap-time-of-flight upgrade of STAR

  • Viktor Klochkov, GSI, Darmstadt
    Flow performance studies with CBM

  • Florian Roether, Frankfurt University
    Evaluation of different feature extraction methods for the CBM-TRD

  • Maksym Zyzak, GSI, Darmstadt
    Reconstruction of hypernuclei in CBM

  • Pavel Kisel, FIAS, Frankfurt
    Strange particle reconstruction in the CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Adrian Rodriguez Rodriguez, GSI, Darmstadt
    The free-streaming readout chain for the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment

  • Vivek Patel, Wuppertal University
    Beam test results of the DiRICH based readout system for H12700 MAPMTs

  • Philipp Klaus, Frankfurt University
    Towards the CBM-MVD: The Group Report

  • Michal Koziel, Frankfurt University
    MIMOSIS, a CMOS sensor for the CBM Micro Vertex Detector

  • Etienne Bechtel, Frankfurt University
    Performance simulation of the Transition Radiation Detector of the CBM experiment

  • Artemiy Belousov, FIAS, Frankfurt
    Application of the fast vectorised Kalman filter based track fit to the STAR experiment

  • Grigory Kozlov, FIAS, Frankfurt
    Application and improvement of Cellular Automaton track finder in the TPC detector

  • Ievgenii Kres, Wuppertal University
    Reconstruction of eta meson at CBM-RICH detector using conversion method

  • Elena Volkova, Tübingen University
    Application of the 3-Fluid Hydrodynamic Event Generator THESEUS to CBM

  • Ievgeniia Momot, Frankfurt University
    The Silicon Tracking System of the CBM Experiment at FAIR

  • Christian Simon, Heidelberg University
    Simulating the high-rate performance of MRPC detectors for the CBM TOF wall

  • Kshitij Agarwal, Tübingen University
    Development of cooling demonstrator for the CBM Silicon Tracking System

  • Evgeny Lavrik, FAIR, Darmstadt
    Performance simulations of the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM Experiment at FAIR

  • Ingo Deppner, Heidelberg University
    Status of the CBM Time-of-Flight system

  • Valentina Akishina, GSI, Darmstadt
    4D track reconstruction in the CBM experiment

  • Dennis Sauter, Heidelberg University
    Analysis of CBM - TOF module response with cosmic rays

  • Murat Esen, Frankfurt University
    Implementation of an automated position and tension determination of wires in MWPCs

  • Iaroslav Panasenko, Tübingen University
    Sensor Quality Assurance for the CBM Silicon Tracking System

  • Adrian Meyer-Ahrens, Münster University
    Electron Detection Efficiency of the CBM-TRD Prototypes in Testbeams at DESY

  • Philipp Kähler, Münster University
    CBM-TRD high-rate detector tests at the CERN-GIF


5th Helmholtz Matter and Technologies Annual Meeting

5 - 7 March 2019, Jena, Germany
Conference page

  • Merve Dogan, GSI, Darmstadt
    Quality Assurance Tests of The STS Read-out Electronics for The CBM Experiment

  • Shaifali Mehta, GSI, Darmstadt
    Ladder assembly for the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM Experiment

  • Adrian Rodriguez Rodriguez, Frankfurt University
    The Silicon Tracking System of CBM getting ready for experiment

  • Osnan Maragoto Rodriguez, GSI, Darmstadt
    The frontend electronics of the CBM Silicon Tracking System


VCI-2019 - 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation

18 - 22 February 2019, Vienna, Austria
Conference page

  • Anand Dubey, VECC, Kolkata
    Large acceptance high rate GEM detectors for muon tracking in heavy ion collisions of CBM experiment at FAIR

  • Michael Deveaux, Frankfurt University
    MIMOSIS, a CMOS sensor for the CBM Micro Vertex Detector

  • Ingo Deppner, Heidelberg University
    Status and Performance of CBM-TOF systems

  • Philipp Kähler, Münster University
    The Transition Radiation Detector in the CBM Experiment at FAIR

  • Fedor Guber, INR, Moscow
    Transverse and longitudinal segmented forward hadron calorimeters with SiPMs light readout for future fixed target heavy ion experiments


"Matter and the Universe" Days 2019

14 - 15 February 2019, DESY, Hamburg
Symposium page

  • Etienne Bechtel, Frankfurt University
    Emissivity of Baryon-Rich Matter - Dilepton Spectroscopy in CBM

  • Evgeny Lavrik, FAIR, Darmstadt
    Performance of the Silicon Tracking System of the CBM Experiment


EMMI Workshop - Probing dense hadronic matter with hadrons: Status and Perspectives

11 - 13 February 2019, GSI, Darmstadt
Workshop page

Bormio-2019 - 57th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics

21 - 25 January 2019, Bormio, Italy
Conference page

  • Adrian Rodriguez Rodriguez, GSI
    The Silicon Tracking System of CBM getting ready for experiment


Presentations on FAIR/GSI Workshops

GSI Beam Time Retreat

23 - 25 January 2019, KTC, Königstein, Germany
Workshop page

  • Christian Sturm, GSI
    Review of commisssioning: Status of mCBM

  • Christian Sturm, GSI
    Perspective plan for 2019 and 2020: CBM goals and plans


Presentations as Seminars or Lectures

Presentations at Committees etc.

10th CBAC (COSY Beam Time Advisory Committee)

1 July 2019, Research Center Jülich
  • Johann Heuser, GSI
    Application for testing CBM detectors in beam at COSY in Q4/2019


9th CBAC (COSY Beam Time Advisory Committee)

14 January 2019, Research Center Jülich
  • Johann Heuser, GSI
    Application for testing CBM detectors in beam at COSY in Q2/2019


-- WalterFJMueller - 07 Jan 2019
Topic revision: r46 - 2020-02-26, WalterFJMueller
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