HowTo install AliEn from source
HowTo upgrade to a new AliEn version
HowTo get debug output
Add "-- debug 5" at the end of the alien call e.g.
"alien login --debug 5"
HowTo add a post install file
This has to be done before the package is added
- Create a proxy
- Login to alien
- alien login
- The user is defined . $HOME?.alien/Environment
- Goto directory where you want to add the file. If the directory don't exist create the directory
- e.g. mkdir -p packages/panda_extern/0.1
- e.g. cd packages/panda_extern/0.1
- Add the file to the file catalog
- add [filename] [file location on local computer]
- e.g. add post_install /misc/uhlig/post_install
HowTo add a package
This add the new package to the file catalog
- Define the package you want to install
- packman define [name] [version] [file location on local computer] post_install=[location of postinstall file] -platform source -se [SE] -dependencies="list of dependencies"
- e.g. packman define panda_extern 0.1 /misc/uhlig/cbmsoft_devel_021107.tar.gz post_install=/panda/user/p/pbarprod/packages/panda_extern/0.1/post_install
- packman define pandaroot 0.4 /misc/uhlig/SVN/ctest/test/pandaroot_r1727.tar.gz dependencies=panda_extern::0.1 post_install=/panda/user/p/pbarprod/packages/pandaroot/0.4/postinstall
- packman define cbmroot jun09 /misc/cbmgrid/alien_packages/cbmroot/cbmroot_jun09.tar.gz dependencies=cbm_extern::jul08 post_install=/cbm/user/c/cbmgrid/packages/cbmroot/jun09/cbmroot_postinstall_jun09 -platform source -se CBM::GSI::xrdlustre
In the directory there now should be two files post_install and Linux-i686. If there is no difference between i686 and x86_64 copy Linux-i686 to Linux-x86_64. This is normaly correct if you deal with source packages which are compiled on the grid computers. After this step you should be prepared for everything.
HowTo remove a package
- packman undefine [name] [version] -platform [source][i686][x86_64]
Normally this is done automatically when you submit a job which depends on some packages. But for testing it can be done in a manual fassion
- Install the package on a dedicate site (CE Computing Element)
- packman install [package]::[version] [site]
- e.g. packman install panda_extern::0.1 PANDA::GSI::grid8
- packman list -force
- packman test package
- packman test cbmroot::dec10
- packman listInstalled -name [packman instance of this site]
- packman listInstalled -name CBM::GSI::lxi020_packman
Short tutorial for using Alien
- Login on as user cbmgrid
- Check certificate and if expired create new one
- alien proxy-info
- alien proxy-init
- Login to the alien system
- Move to jdl directory
- View and describe date1.jdl and date2.jdl
- Submit a job to the grid
- Check job status
- top (to show all processes)
- ps trace id (show complete info about process id)
- ps trace id all (show more verbose output about the job)
- masterJob id (show status of all subjobs of the masterjob)
- masterjob id -status status resubmit (resubmit all subjobs which ended in status)
- Check the output of job with id
- cat /proc/cbmgrid//job-output/stdout
- Submit a job with parameters (5)
- Check what the job is doing while execution. The first command shows the files in the workdir. The second command shows the last of the standard output.
HowTo update/change a host certificate
- Download the certificate from your CA authority
- Export the certificate from the browser (Browser dependent)
- Extract the certificate (public key) into PEM-format. The requested password is the password you defined during the export from the browser.
- openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in mycert.p12 -out usercert.pem
- Extract the certificate (private key) into PEM-format. The requested password is the password you defined during the export from the browser. It is important that no passphrase is defined because of the machine certificate.
- openssl pkcs12 -in mykey.pem -nocerts -nodes -out hostkey.pem
- Copy the newly created certificates into the right directories
- Central services
- hostkey.pem -> ~/.alien/globus/userkey.pem
- hostkey.pem -> ~/.alien/etc/aliend/ldap/certs/host.key.pem
- hostkey.pem -> /etc/aliend/ldap/certs/hostkey.pem
- usercert.pem -> ~/.alien/globus/usercert.pem
- usercert.pem -> ~/.alien/etc/aliend/ldap/certs/host.cert.pem
- usercert.pem -> /etc/aliend/ldap/certs/hostcert.pem
- Site services
- hostkey.pem -> ~/.alien/globus/userkey.pem
- usercert.pem -> ~/.alien/globus/usercert.pem
Problems with file quotas
If you see a error message like below it could be that the user exceeds the file quotas.
Job 1982 inserted from
Job state transition from INSERTING to WAITING
Job state transition to STARTED |=| procinfotime: 1292241432 site: CBM::GSI::lxcbmgrid001_ce started: 1292241432
Job state transition from STARTED to RUNNING |=| procinfotime: 1292241432 site: CBM::GSI::lxcbmgrid001_ce
started: 1292241432 spyurl: node:
Job state transition from RUNNING to SAVING |=| procinfotime: 1292241432 site: CBM::GSI::lxcbmgrid001_ce
Job state transition to ERROR_SV |=| procinfotime: 1292241442 site: CBM::GSI::lxcbmgrid001_ce
spyurl: finished: 1292241442
ENVELOPE ERROR: Uploading file for user (cbmgrid) is denied, file size (727) - total file size quota exceeded.
Authen has thrown an access exception: [quotaexception]
Could not store the file /tmp/cbmgrid-work/alien-job-1982/log_archive on any SE. This file is lost!
The job finished on the worker node with status ERROR_SV
The file quotas can be changed by the admin. The command to see the quotas is
fquota list -unit G
The command to set the quotas is
fquota set <user> maxTotalSize <size in Bytes>
to set the maximum number of bytes to be used by the user. To set the maximum number of files the command is
fquota set <user> maxNbFiles <number of files>
FlorianUhlig - 05 Nov 2007