- First of all compile the new version from the sources as described AlienInstallSourceFlorianUhlig (on all sites??).
- Shutdown the central alien services as user alienmaster that the mysql database is in a proper state.
- /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_old_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/aliend stop
- Create a backup of the mysql database.
- /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_old_version_/bin/mysqldump --all-databases -h lxir027.gsi.de -P 3307 -u admin --password="sehr geheim" > "mysql_backup_file_name"
- Shutdown mysql as user alienmaster
- /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_old_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/alien-mysqld stop
- Shutdown ldap as user aleinmaster
- /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_old_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/alien-ldap stop
- Create a backup of the ldap directory
- cp /home/alienmaster/.alien/var/lib/alien-ldap /home/alienmaster/.alien/var/lib/alien-ldap-before-_new_version_
- Take care that you change all occurrence of old_version to new_version. For example .bashrc or .alien/Environment /home/alienmaster/.alien/etc/aliend/CBM/startup.conf
- Edit the new version of the alien ldap startup script in /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/
- Compare the slapd.conf in /home/alienmaster/.alien/etc/aliend/ldap with the version in /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/openldap/. Adapt the changes needed.
- Startup ldap as user aleinmaster
- /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/alien-ldap start
- Check the ldap log file if ldap has started. The standard log directory is $HOME/.alien/var/log/. If there is no log file check in /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/alien-ldap for the correct log file location.
- More changes needed in /home/alienmaster/.alien/etc/aliend/ldap/slapd.conf ?
- Some schema files still missing ? => Try reinstalling alien-admin
- Database versions do not match ? (Program version 4.8 doesn't match environment version 4.5) => Upgrade the database
- Enter the directory where the db is stored (defined in slapd.conf) /home/alienmaster/.alien/var/lib/alien-ldap .
- Run db_recover from the old alien version /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_old_version_/bin/db_recover -v
- Run db_upgrade from the new alien version /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/bin/db_upgrade
- Try to start the ldap as user alienmaster again. If it works it's good if not redo the last steps.
- Edit the new version of the alien mysql startup script in /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/
- Startup mysql as user aleinmaster
- /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/alien-mysqld start
- Edit the new version of the aliend startup script in /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/
- Edit the startup.conf in /home/alienmaster/.alien/etc/aliend/CBM/startup.conf. The following variables have to be added.
AliEnServices="IS Authen Server Logger Broker TransferManager TransferBroker
TransferOptimizer JobOptimizer CatalogueOptimizer PackManMaster
MessagesMaster SEManager JobInfoManager MonaLisa"
export ALIEN_HOME=/home/alienmaster/.alien
- Startup the Processes defined in /home/alienmaster/.alien/etc/aliend/CBM/startup.conf one by one as user alienmaster in debug mode. Check the log files.
- If everything works stop all processes again and start them using aliend.
- /misc/cbmgrid/Etch64/_new_version_/etc/rc.d/init.d/aliend start
- Try to login to alien
- There is a problem with the file quotas because the table FQUOTA has no entries at all.
FlorianUhlig - 16 Feb 2011