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FlorianUhlig, ZubayerAhammed, ParthaPratimBhaduri, SubhasisChattopadhyay, ArunPrakash, BuddhadebBhattacharjee, FarooqMir, VikasSinghal
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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GEM-report.pptppt GEM-report.ppt manage 625 K 2009-09-14 - 01:13 SubhasisChattopadhyay First report on GEM test at GSI (Aug-sep'09)
Segmentation.pptppt Segmentation.ppt manage 261 K 2009-12-03 - 11:29 UnknownUser Segmentation:Study of role of shield & absorber materials
arun_gsi_11Nov09.pptppt arun_gsi_11Nov09.ppt manage 814 K 2009-11-12 - 11:48 UnknownUser arun_gsi_11thNov
arun_gsi_18thnov.pptppt arun_gsi_18thnov.ppt manage 531 K 2009-11-19 - 08:31 UnknownUser Status of Segmentation Scheme
arun_slpit.pptppt arun_slpit.ppt manage 610 K 2009-10-08 - 06:17 ZubayerAhammed Talk to be given by Subhasisda at Split, Croatia
gu_10-12-09.pptppt gu_10-12-09.ppt manage 1 MB 2009-12-10 - 12:16 BuddhadebBhattacharjee Results of cluster analysis from GU, India group
hemen_presentation22.09.2009.pptppt hemen_presentation22.09.2009.ppt manage 310 K 2009-09-22 - 10:57 UnknownUser My activities at VECC on my last visit
hemen_presentation_19th_Nov.pptppt hemen_presentation_19th_Nov.ppt manage 171 K 2009-11-19 - 10:55 UnknownUser Study the invariant mass plot for different geometry schemes using HSD
inv.mass_plot.gifgif inv.mass_plot.gif manage 29 K 2009-10-15 - 13:00 UnknownUser inv.mass. plot by taking mom. from sts.
inv_emb_iirshad.gifgif inv_emb_iirshad.gif manage 7 K 2009-11-05 - 10:08 UnknownUser invariant mass distribution for embedded 1k events
inv_mass_1000emb_irshad.gifgif inv_mass_1000emb_irshad.gif manage 9 K 2009-09-10 - 14:20 UnknownUser Invariant mass spectrum for 1000 events(emb) by Ershad.
inv_mass_emb.gifgif inv_mass_emb.gif manage 7 K 2009-11-05 - 06:15 UnknownUser Invariant mass distribution for 1k embedded events for the new analysis class
inv_mass_pluto.gifgif inv_mass_pluto.gif manage 6 K 2009-11-05 - 06:13 UnknownUser invariant mass distribution for 1k Pluto events with the new analysis class
inv_pluto_ish..gifgif inv_pluto_ish..gif manage 7 K 2009-11-05 - 10:06 UnknownUser invariant mass distribution for pluto 1k events
invmass_emb.gifgif invmass_emb.gif manage 6 K 2009-10-08 - 12:14 ParthaPratimBhaduri Invariant mass distribution using reco. muon mom. at the target for 1k embedded events
invmass_pluto.gifgif invmass_pluto.gif manage 7 K 2009-10-08 - 12:16 ParthaPratimBhaduri invariant mass distribution for 1k Pluto events with reco. track momentum at the traget
mukesh_pluto.gifgif mukesh_pluto.gif manage 6 K 2009-11-05 - 11:29 UnknownUser Invarint mass distribution for pluto 3k event
mukesh_presentation.pptppt mukesh_presentation.ppt manage 255 K 2009-10-15 - 11:57 UnknownUser simulation activities in jammu
mukesh_presentation.ppt.pptxpptx mukesh_presentation.ppt.pptx manage 207 K 2009-10-15 - 11:48 UnknownUser simulation activities in jammu
newinvariantmass.epseps newinvariantmass.eps manage 10 K 2009-12-03 - 11:31 UnknownUser signal embeded in background invaraint mass 1000 events
pAsim_HSD.pptppt pAsim_HSD.ppt manage 420 K 2009-11-19 - 07:33 ParthaPratimBhaduri SIS-100 pA simulation
pairY_emb.gifgif pairY_emb.gif manage 7 K 2009-10-08 - 12:17 ParthaPratimBhaduri reco. J/Psi rapidity for 1k embedded events
pairY_pluto.gifgif pairY_pluto.gif manage 6 K 2009-10-08 - 12:19 ParthaPratimBhaduri reco. J/Psi rapidity for 1k Pluto events
pt.pdfpdf pt.pdf manage 101 K 2009-11-19 - 12:01 ZubayerAhammed Presentation from Farooq Mir
r_mcpoint_hemen.gifgif r_mcpoint_hemen.gif manage 6 K 2009-09-05 - 07:53 ParthaPratimBhaduri radial distribution of Much points (Hemen Kalita)
xy_mcpoint_hemen.gifgif xy_mcpoint_hemen.gif manage 13 K 2009-09-05 - 07:52 ParthaPratimBhaduri x-y distribution of the MC points in Muon stations for 1k Pluto events (created by Hemen Kalita)
Topic revision: r30 - 2022-12-13, IlyaSelyuzhenkov
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