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HowTo install AliEn from source Manual HowTo upgrade to a new AliEn version Manual HowTo get debug output Add " debug 5" at the end of the alien call e.g. "ali...
How to catch the output which goes to stdout #define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK #define BOOST_TEST_MAIN #include #include #include BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE( TestSuite1 )...
Installation Follow the instruction on this webpage with some minor changes After downloading the project you should edit some additional files. If you want to ha...
Runing cmake with differnt build target cmake ../cbmroot DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug where debug can be debug, debugfull etc. Documentation * CMake homepage *...
Installation of CERN software Here I will explain in the following the installation of fortran based CERN software. The base of most of the software is n most cas...
Installation of the Intel compiler suite * Get the installation packages from Intel (This is normally done by Helmut Kresier) * Get the license files and in...
HowTo use the CBM CVS A good Wikipage about CVS is Use for all operations only mycvs which is defined in the...
HowTo start the Dashbord * Login as cbmsim on lxg1417 (This can be either with an ssh session, but better is to go to the computer center at ground floor in gs...
How to create a Debian backport The instructions can be found at and . How to buil...
Usefull Docker commands Create a new virtualbox container on Mac OSX when using boot2docker docker machine create driver virtualbox virtualbox cpu count 4 virt...
revdep rebuild dispatch conf Main.FlorianUhlig 18 Apr 2008
This s the explanation how i installed Gentoo Linux on my Apple MacBook Pro (3rd generation). X This is the xorg.conf i use. I copied it from somewhere, don't kn...
git clone ssh:// git pull to get changes git push to commit changes commits to svn should only be done from GSI mac...
Command to backup the database status in the old database mysqldump fairroot h P 3306 u fairroot password=strengGeheim mysql_backup_lxs...
Here you find information which packages are needed to be able to install FairRoot on a new system. The list for the different different Linux flavors must not be...
Redmine Installation Instructions On the following page I will explain how to install Redmine together with the required packages on a virtual machine running on ...
Definition of the Floating Point Environment With the following function you get the actual environment settings Int_t result=gSystem GetFPEMask(); cout The...
HowTo create a stable revision in SVN 1 On the repository server create the new relase branch as a copy the trunk branch. * svn copy https://subversion.g...
ToDo Liste Open Topics which are late All Topics EOF Jahresbericht schreiben Erledigt 29.01.09 EOF EOF CbmRoot mit angestellten Warnungen bauen. Probl...
Howto setup a trac instance at a differnt machine than the subversion repository. This is not directly foreseen (at least for trac 0.11.x), so we have to work aro...
Download the iso image Get the ISO image of the 32bit Ubuntu desktop version from the official download location at Create a new Virtual machine with...
Usefull Unix Commands * Find all source files and replace neu where you have alt * find . iname '*.cxx' exec sed 's/alt/neu/g' i "{}" ";" * Find al...
VMWare * Work out of the box * PXE boot works * 64bit works Virtual Box * PXE boot works * No 64bit guests on Mac OS (should come) Parallels Deskto...
Valgrind valgrind v error limit=no suppressions=valgrind.suppr leak check=full show reachable=yes log file=cbm_macro_log.txt root.exe run_sim.C Callgrind A...
Prerequisites * A computer with Windows, Linux or Mac OSX and 20GB free disk space * VirtualBox * The archive containing the virtual machine * A Archive...
Jan 2009 1357 45 0 1039 WebHome 91 ToDoFlorianUhlig 67 GentooMacBookFlorianUhlig 30 HomepageWolfgangNiebur 20 HomepageFlorianUhli...
Number of topics: 26

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